So, my supervising pastor passed along some pastoral wisdom tonight.
"Don't be a Moses," he said, "be a shepherd. They last longer."
I only have an undergraduate degree in Religious Studies, so I may not be remembering this correctly: But wasn't Moses a shepherd?
I'll run that one past him in the morning and check his reply.
OK, first off, Mick, even I know Moses wasn't a shepard, and I've never been to Sunday school. I think what your supervisor means is that you should be willing to stop and ask for help, rather then, say, wondering in a desert for 40 years...
actually, Moses tended to the flocks of his father-in-lae Jethro for about 30 years, or so.
doesn't make your observation invalid, just incorrect.
Charlton Heston never tended any sheep! Besides, how many people, when working for their father-in-law, would list that as there profession? Yeah, he may have been a messianic figure, but he was still only human.
Moses worked for a shepherd. he wasn't actually in charge.
But he did lead a bunch of folks out to slavery. That is, kinda, shepherd-like.
if you start making inane distinctions about shepherds and under-shepherds, I will personally drive down to your house, ply you with alcohol, and then smack you upside the head.
Moses tended sheep = shepherd.
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