Wednesday, September 24, 2008


When I grow up, I want to be elected Bishop of my Synod.

That way, I get the cool (+) in front of my name, the shepherd's crook that I can use to work on my vaudeville act, and a nice cope to keep my warm (you have noooo idea how cold my office at the church is).

Note: a 'cope' is a cape that Bishop's wear over their vestements (holy dresses) when they're at worship. It could just be called a cape, but at some point in time in the past the church realized that if you're going to have fancier clothing than anyone else, you'd better come up with a fancier name.

+Michael Hugh Macintyre, Bishop.

It kinda sings, don't it?

Of course, somewhere back in the highlands of Scotland my Presbyterian ancestors (many of whom are ministers themselves) are now anticipating the Resurrection as a time when they can rise up and lynch me.

But hey, you've got to have a dream, right?

Like, I have this theory that if I can collect enough letters after my name (BA, MA, MDiv, STM, PhD, DDS, LLB, ETC.), I can actually form them into a cool anagram.


Anonymous said...

But how do you pronounce "+"? Is it a clicking sound, like the bushmen of the Kalahari use? A glottal stop? A whistling sound?


Rev. Michael Macintyre said...

Usually, the sound produced when a lot of hot air is released all at once :)