Monday, February 2, 2009


So, up here there's been some rumbling about budgetary issues. I've been reading a couple of articles this morning.

Generally speaking, they surround the fact that our governing party is absolutely bloody barmy. Seriously, they're a bunch of useless bloody loonies.

Someone really needs to send Harper to the same political oblivion as Bush. 4.4 billion dollars in tax cuts to large businessess; barely noticeable scraps thrown to the lower-middle class that's just struggling to hold together.

170 million dollars to the forestry industry. For what!!?? The forests are being eaten by an army of bugs that are there because of freakin' climate change -- it's finally warm enough, year round, for them to live and thrive. And thrive they're doing, because our knuckleheaded conservatives think that 'climate change' is what you do to climates when they're young and smelly. And what does the budget say about climate change? There's a bit tossed in as an afterthought to appease Ignatieff, and it's apparently worked. I had high hopes for the maturation of Canadian government. But sadly, I don't have those any longer.

And of course, there's the 'you're poor but you can renovate your house' clause. $10000 for home renovations. According to my understanding, not green renovations -- changing lightbulbs or insulation -- no, this is talking about screening the porch or building a home theatre.

And the one thing that scares me the most is that in a time of incredible layoffs, tens of thousands of people out of work and no other job for them to find, there's no mention of EI in the budget. Our EI system only allows 54% of people laid off to receive EI benefits. I mean, c'mon EI money is entirely spent on the economy -- it's too piddling an amount to save and people desperately need milk and diapers.

Will someone please inform our Prime Minister that it's not 1954, the poor cannot 'pull themselves up by their own bootstraps,' and that, last and furthermore, he's a knob?

Stephen Harper deserves the same kind of defeat handed to Brian Mulroney and Kim Campbell. He's greased enough pockets during his time in office that he won't be standing in the bread lines anytime soon, but I think I'd better off if him and his party are given time off of governing for a reality check.


Unknown said...


I think the biggest problem with the budget is the absolute absence of money for R & D. The Harper/Flaherty regime is not preparing Canada for a new economy.


Rev. Michael Macintyre said...

that's cause I don't really think they grasp the fact that there IS a new economy.