Wednesday, December 10, 2008

missed....and hit.

So, I managed to avoid that old devil 'flu that's been stalking my house. In the midst of our toilet crapping out (pardon the pun) during out our little epidemic and the fact that Keiran is still pukey (smile-giggle-groan-puke-smile-giggle), I felt victorious.

But only for a little while. Last week I felt the tingly sensation at the back of my throat that signals a bout of my recurrent tonsilitis. So I attended to that.

But by Sunday afternoon I thought I was going to die. My sinuses were pounding. I have the worst sinus infection I've ever had. My hospital visits are cancelled for this week.

And I'm preaching this Sunday. Ick. Oh well, I guess if I sound like Boris Karloff telling the good news about Jesus Christ it'll make a good story for my internship review.


Anonymous said...

Hey do you have pink eye yet? I must have left some of those germs in your office from my experience of the simultaneious, pink eye, double ear infection, sinus infection and chest infection that suffered through on internship!

Anonymous said...

Well, if you sound like Boris Karloff, maybe you should run with it! You know; green make-up, some fake stitches, a couple of bolts on the neck and you're set to go!!
