Thursday, June 24, 2010

hobbling along....

So...most people who know me will agree on one particular facet of my personality: I hate sitting still. I just can't. For me, unemployment is torturous, and holidays are frivolous, unless there's something for me to be doing.

Oh for sure, I can sit down with a good book and read...and read...and read. But in the midst of that reading I'll be moving, getting comfortable, and setting it down to go for a nice hour-long walk with my youngest in the stroller. I'm just that kind of person.

So when I thought about getting temporary employment till I received a call from a church, I automatically thought about getting a labor job. I like these kinds of jobs, where the only heavy lifting I do with with my knees and back (see? proper back care is essential) and not with my mind.

So I found a job, and I've been working at a lumber yard for about the last four or five weeks. It's a good job -- I enjoy the hours, and the people I work with. It's outside, and keeps me busy.

So on this past Tuesday, while I was at work, imagine my surpise when, stepping down carefully from a lift of lumber, I felt and heard a tremendous *crunch* in my right foot, and suddenly realized that said foot would not work to walk, or stand upon.

Aw, crap.

So I was hoping that I'd just twisted it or something, but working quickly to get my sock and boot off, I realized that whatever I'd done, I'd done exceedingly well: the arch of my right foot looked like I'd stuffed a couple of golf balls under the skin.

Aw poo.

So off I gimped to the emergency room of the local university hospital. Five hours later, I had a diagnoses: nothing broken, but I have either a)severely sprained or b)separated my plantar fascia, the group of tendons and ligaments that hold the bottom of your foot together. (I'm translating for the doctor, here, so any of you nurses who read this, apologies if my description is off)

So I've been on crutches since Tuesday. Which is torture. Sheer torture. And apparently, they're here for a week, at least.

But thank goodness for fast healing and a high pain threshold. I'm hoping to be back at work sooner, rather than later.

and I'll get some news on Sunday about a call. So all of you, wish me luck :)

take care of yourselves! (and recommend a book, if you'd like!)

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