Friday, June 6, 2008

toothaches and preaching

So, I've got a wee bit of a problem in my mouth.

Actually, it's a bit more than that. Y'see, my wisdom teeth actually grow quite happily in spaces behind my molars. The only problem is that, much like my children, I then get to go though periodic bouts of teething pain as they shift and grow.

Much like now. Except that I'm leading services at a couple of Presbyterian churches here in Saskatoon this month and it's very hard to talk. That's why babies teethe so young; so that they can do it without having to talk!

Ah well, I'll do the best that I can. Short sermons are good. If it gets much worse I'll actually go to the dentist, although quite frankly that experience ranks right up there with jumping naked into a swimming pool full of wolverines.

Maybe I can find some wolverines.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You've never jumped naked in a pit of wolverines? They are actually quite affectionate, despite their reputation, in those circumstances. Besides, your parishioners probably appreciate the short sermons...
