Thursday, May 15, 2008

So, work goes well. 70 hours last week. Hopefully, spring clean up is done this week and I won't have to repeat that particular feat.

The boys continue to grown like worms. So well, in fact, that we're thinking of next spring for the next one....speaking of which, Boy2's baptism is coming up sometime soon...keep watch for pics.

my denomination continues its progress towards self-immolation. I just hope that I have a job in two or three years and that I can still talk with various friends who sit on the different sides.

True to form, I still don't have my marks from last semester. The summer sessions have already begun, and I still don't have my final marks from last term. How does this Seminary stay in business or stay accredited? How am I ever expected to improve my writing or reflection if the feedback I most often get is "if you're failing we'd tell you"? AARRRRGGH.

Anywho, some pictures of the family, hope all is well with everyone.


Back to Shine said...

YAY! I love the pictures! :) Hope you're all doing well.

Anonymous said...

Umm, next one? What next one? Is it your denomination in Saskatoon that is trying to rip itself apart?
